Monday, March 23, 2009

The Most Expensive U.S. Colleges

By: Bovemsa Cheung

Our economy is facing problems of rising tuition fees and credit crunches denting endowments. This is bad news for American colleges and universities, which are the priciest in the world. This year's figures include tuition, fees, room, and board, and exclude colleges with specialized programs, such as those for students with learning disabilities.

1. Sarah Lawrence College - $53,454
2. George Washington University - $50,357
3. Georgetown University - $50,275
4. Vanderbilt University - $50,241
5. University of Chicago - $50,189
6. New York University - $50,182
7. Carnegie Mellon University - $49,804
8. Johns Hopkins University - $49,778
9. Boston College - $49,560
10. Bard College - $49,470
11. Barnard College - $49,464
12. Scripps College - $49,450
13. Connecticut College - $49,385
14. Tufts University - $49,358
15. Bates College - $49,350
16. Columbia University – $49,270
17. Wesleyan University - $49,270
18. Skidmore College - $49,266
19. Vassar College - $49,250
20. Colgate University - $49,220

Expensive colleges in other countries include:

1. Canada’s Quest University = $20,500
2. National University of Singapore = $24,000
3. Imperial College of London = $27,800 – for non-British and European Union Students

Tuition and fees at four-year public colleges and universities rose faster than private schools and outpacing the rate of inflation. The continuing rise in cost of higher education is during a time when financial turmoil and recession is prompting more families to consider public colleges instead of pricier institutions. Last year tuition and fees at public and private colleges and universities rose at more than double the rate of inflation. Colleges are keeping their price at pace with other colleges and universities. There are 17 states looking at midyear budget cuts which could mean reducing funding for institutions of public higher education and worst case scenario, midyear tuition increases.



  1. Buurr r bUurr Burrr buurrr bru ddhhhehehhhhhduhh duh duhdduuuhhhdudhhh pppoooouuuhhyyy aaannnnggggagaaa bblllhehehkkk ahhahhhh bboooo booo boooo ahh ah ahhhhhhggggggeeeiiiiibbbllleehhkkk

    peoplleee saayyys i havvveeee mmentallly problemssaa!!! my mommm saysysys th-th-that sh-sh-shes pp-pp-putting -mm-mmee uu--uupp--upp up for adoptionn a-d-adoption. bb-buutt i th-think ii--ymm p-p-perfec-t-t-ttt just-t th-th-th-th-ee the way i amm! bbe myyyy f-f-ffriend, the only friend i have rr-runss a-awayy f-fr-from m-mee, [my mommy]-kk-kids th-throww p-p-potatoes -a-a-a---tt mee. [evily giggles with wide eyes and pukes all over new machine for brain]

  2. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sho sho sho the cow says moo moo moo! B00M BABY! SCREAM IT BETCH!
