Sunday, February 15, 2009

Obama's stimulus package towards education

By David Lucas

Included in President Obama’s stimulus package is $125 billion for education through the next two years. The funds will go from young education all the way up to the college level. The money will be manly put towards public schools and colleges. The stimulus package will aid the schools that have made cuts to certain programs in their school. $40 billion will be spent on school improvement and special education programs states the article from The article also says that $200 million in financial incentives will be given to teachers to raise student achievement in high-need schools. People will receive benefits directly by increases in grants, financial aid, and education tax credits. They will also benefit indirectly from renovated classrooms and other education facilities. Increases the amount of money received and the amount of people to qualify for financial aid will come through the package as well. Obama has also said that “the first $4,000 of college education is completely free for most Americans.” According to the article from He says “by making the tax credit fully refundable, my credit will help low-income families that need it the most.” Obama feels that it is very important to supply aid to the education system and the students of America. His stimulus package should be beneficial to many.

Posted Feb. 15 2009

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